Home Composers Jerome Moross

Jerome Moross

Short bio Jerome Moross

Birthday: 1913
Died: 1983

Full biography Jerome Moross

photo Jerome Moross

Jerome Moross was an American composer and orchestrator born on August 1, 1913, in Brooklyn, New York. He was a highly regarded composer, known for his symphonic works and scores for films , Broadway shows, and ballet. He began his music studies at the Juilliard School at the age of 15 and graduated from New York University at the age of 18.

Moross's innovative work in the musical theater , movies, and other musical realms set him apart as an innovative composer. Some of his notable works include "The Big Country," "The War Lord," and "Frankie and Johnny." He also wrote scores for Broadway shows like "Ballet Ballads," "The Golden Apple," and "Can-Can."

Moross was known for his unique style, which often combined elements of folk and classical music. Additionally, his writing was often characterized by Baroque colors and lightness. Moross was widely recognized for his talent as a composer, and his influence can still be felt in contemporary music.

Jerome Moross passed away on July 25, 1983, in Miami, Florida, at the age of 69, due to congestive heart failure. Despite his untimely demise, Moross's music continues to be celebrated and his legacy lives on.

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