Home Composers Jef Maes

Jef Maes

Short bio Jef Maes

Birthday: 1905
Died: 1996
Genre: Classical

Full biography Jef Maes

photo Jef Maes

Jef Maes (1905-1996) was a Belgian composer and violist. He was born in Antwerp, Flanders, Belgium on April 5, 1905. Maes was a versatile composer who wrote in a variety of genres, including symphonies, concertos, and chamber music. He was also a skilled violist and often performed his own works.

Maes studied at the Royal Flemish Conservatory in Antwerp and later at the Royal Brussels Conservatory. He went on to become an esteemed music professor and taught at the Royal Conservatories in Antwerp and Brussels. Maes was a prolific composer and has written over 700 works, many of which have been recorded and performed by major orchestras and ensembles around the world.

Maes' music is known for its rich harmonies and intricate melodic lines. Some of his most famous works include his Symphony No. 6, Concerto for Viola and Orchestra, and his String Trio No. 1. Maes was also interested in using elements of folk music in his compositions and often drew inspiration from Belgian and European folk melodies.

Maes passed away on June 30, 1996, in Belgium. Despite his extensive body of work, he remains relatively unknown outside of Belgium. However, his compositions continue to be performed and recorded, ensuring that his legacy as a talented and versatile composer lives on.

Compositions featuring Jef Maes

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Symphony No. 2 in A major 22:55 min Symphony 1965
2 Arabesque and Scherzo, for flute & orchestra 8:17 min Concerto 1963
3 Ouverture Concertante, for orchestra 7:00 min Orchestral 1961
4 Fragment for 4 trombones 2:42 min Chamber Music 196?
5 Concerto for viola & orchestra 16:45 min Concerto 1937
6 Impromptu, for cello & piano 4:17 min Chamber Music -
7 Meditation for violin & orchestra 4:32 min Concerto -
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