Home Composers Jean-Francois Le Sueur

Jean-Francois Le Sueur

Short bio Jean-Francois Le Sueur

Birthday: 1760
Died: 1837
Genre: Classical
Period: Classical

Full biography Jean-Francois Le Sueur

photo Jean-Francois Le Sueur

Jean-Francois Le Sueur (1760-1837) was a French composer who was known for his contributions to transforming French musical taste during the French Revolution. He was born on February 15, 1760, in Drucat-Plessiel near Abbeville. Le Sueur began his musical career at an early age, and he studied under the direction of Jean-Francois Tapray. He later became a pupil of the famous composer Jean-Philippe Rameau.

Le Sueur's musical career took off in the 1780s when he composed various comic and dramatic operas, which became very popular in Paris. He was also appointed as a composer of religious music by Napoleon Bonaparte, who was emperor at the time. Le Sueur is particularly well known for his oratorios, operas, and church music. One of his most famous works is the opera Ossian, which he composed in 1804.

Le Sueur's musical style was characterized by simplicity, clarity, and lyricism. He was a great believer in the ideals of the French Revolution, and his music is known for its patriotic and republican themes. Le Sueur was also influential in the formation of Hector Berlioz as a composer. Berlioz studied under him for a brief period in the 1820s, and Le Sueur's encouragement and guidance played a significant role in the development of Berlioz's musical style.

In conclusion, Jean-Francois Le Sueur was a prominent French composer of the late 18th and early 19th centuries. His contribution to the French Revolution in terms of his music cannot be underestimated. Le Sueur's works were highly popular in his time, and he was appointed as a composer of religious music by Napoleon Bonaparte. He is admired for his simplicity, clarity, and lyricism in his musical style, and his influence can be seen in the works of other composers who came after him.

Compositions featuring Jean-Francois Le Sueur

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Ossian ou Les bardes, opera Opera 1804
2 Hymne pour L'inauguration d'un Temple a la Liberte 2:36 min Miscellaneous (Classical) -
3 Hymne pour la Fete de L'Agriculture 2:16 min Miscellaneous (Classical) -
4 March for brass ensemble 7:03 min Chamber Music -
5 Marche du Sacre de Napoléon Ier 5:08 min Miscellaneous (Classical) -
6 Oratorios (3) for the Coronations of the Sovereign Princes of Christendom Choral -
7 Tu es Petrus, motet 2:02 min Choral -
8 Unxerunt Salomonem, motet 4:56 min Choral -
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