Home Composers Jean-Baptiste Moyne

Jean-Baptiste Moyne

Short bio Jean-Baptiste Moyne

Birthday: 1751
Died: 1796

Full biography Jean-Baptiste Moyne

photo Jean-Baptiste Moyne

Jean-Baptiste Moyne, also known as Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne, was a French composer who lived from 1751 to 1796. He is known for his work on tragédies lyriques, which were a type of French opera that combined tragic stories with music.

Moyne's most famous work is his tragic opera "Electre," which he wrote after returning to France from studying music in Italy. The piece was well-received and cemented Moyne's reputation as a talented composer.

In addition to his work as a composer, Moyne was also a teacher of music and had several notable pupils, including Nicolas Dalayrac, a prominent French composer of the time.

Moyne was part of a vibrant music scene in France during the late 18th century, and his work was influenced by the work of other composers of the time, including Christoph Willibald Gluck and Jean-Philippe Rameau.

Moyne's contributions to French music were significant, and his work helped to shape the development of French opera in the late 18th century. Despite his relatively short life, his legacy as a composer and teacher continues to be felt in the world of classical music to this day.

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