Home Composers Janet Maguire

Janet Maguire

Short bio Janet Maguire

Birthday: 1927 in Chicago, IL
Died: 2019
Genre: Classical
Period: Contemporary

Full biography Janet Maguire

photo Janet Maguire

Composer Janet Maguire is an American composer who spent most of her adult life in Europe. She has made numerous contributions to the music world through her amazing compositions. She is known to draw freely from ideas, forms, and sounds of various cultures in her writing. Janet Maguire has been involved in several music projects, including a 1970 attempt to rework the ending of Turandot, a famous opera by Giacomo Puccini.

Though she was not successful in her attempt, Janet Maguire continues to be a prominent figure in the music world. She has been described as an artist with a unique perspective on the world, seeing things a little differently than others. Janet Maguire continues to inspire and influence many up-and-coming composers, known for her distinct style and approach to composition.

Apart from her work in music, there isn't much information available on Janet Maguire online. However, based on the information available, she is a talented composer who has contributed greatly to the music world, blending different cultures and sounds to create stunning pieces of music.

Compositions featuring Janet Maguire

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Cummings Lieder, for voice & piano 13:48 min Vocal Music 2000
2 L'Altro Quartetto, for string quartet 7:33 min Chamber Music 1999
3 Lace Knots, for voice & string quartet 6:42 min Miscellaneous (Classical) 1998
4 Invenzione, for string quartet 7:35 min Chamber Music 1996
5 Inno a Dio, for chorus 6:37 min Choral 1994
6 Così, for soprano & piano 5:58 min Vocal Music 1993
7 Per Acqua, for 2 choruses 12:13 min Choral 1990
8 Frills, for piano 7:16 min Keyboard -
9 Fumées d'Ivresse, for ensemble 4:52 min Keyboard -
10 Ebb and Flow, for 2 pianos 10:50 min Keyboard -
11 Mist, for ensemble 2:25 min Chamber Music -
12 Mountain Pass, for ensemble 4:02 min Chamber Music -
13 Sketch, for violin 6:14 min Chamber Music -
14 Suonata, for piano 10:39 min Keyboard -
15 Tragedy, for piano & ensemble 8:47 min Chamber Music -
16 Variations, for violin & viola 12:26 min Chamber Music -
17 À Trois, for flute, clarinet & violin 4:27 min Chamber Music -
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