Home Composers James Wilson

James Wilson

Short bio James Wilson

Birthday: 1922
Died: 2005
Active: 2000s - 2010s
Genre: Country,Pop/Rock

Full biography James Wilson

photo James Wilson

James Wilson was a composer born on September 27, 1922, in England and passed away on August 6, 2005. He spent most of his life residing in Ireland, where he was known for his contributions to the Irish contemporary classical music scene. Though he is less well-known than some of his contemporaries, such as Brian Wilson or Frank Wilson, James Wilson made important contributions to the world of music.

Wilson's music is known for its unique blend of classical and modern elements, and he is often remembered for his ability to incorporate traditional Irish music into his compositions. He studied music at the Royal Academy of Music and went on to become a respected composer and conductor.

Wilson's most notable works include his "Concerto for Clarinet and String Orchestra," "String Quartet," and "Prelude, Air and Dance" for cello and piano. His contributions to music were recognized in his lifetime, as he was the recipient of numerous awards and was elected to the prestigious Royal Irish Academy of Music.

Overall, James Wilson's legacy as a composer continues to be remembered and celebrated by those who appreciate the art and beauty of contemporary classical music.

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