Home Composers James Penberthy

James Penberthy

Short bio James Penberthy

Birthday: 1917 in Melbourne, Australia
Died: 1999 in New South Wales, Australia

Full biography James Penberthy

photo James Penberthy

James Penberthy (1917-1999) was a prolific Australian composer and journalist. He wrote over 100 major works in a wide variety of genres and styles , ranging from orchestral and chamber music to ballets, operas and choral works.

Penberthy had a profound interest in the theatre, and this is reflected in many of his compositions. He also had a deep respect for the Aboriginal people and their culture, and this influence is evident in some of his works. He wrote an article in Sounds Australian in which he said, "Many composers have been inspired by the Aboriginal people. Those who have not are not really Australians of any depth."

Penberthy was recognized for his contributions to music and journalism with numerous honors throughout his career, including the Order of Australia in 1992. Today, his legacy lives on through his music and the many musicians and composers he inspired.

Compositions featuring James Penberthy

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Concerto for saxophone & orchestra 7:56 min Concerto -
2 Pastorals, for soprano, flute & piano 17:41 min Vocal Music -

Albums featuring James Penberthy

# Сover Name album Year Music label
1 Cover for album: Alfred Hill (2), James Penberthy, Patrick Thomas (3), South Australian Symphony Orchestra, Adelaide Singers – Symphony Alfred Hill (2), James Penberthy, Patrick Thomas (3), South Australian Symphony Orchestra, Adelaide Singers – Symphony "Joy Of Life" / Cantata On Hiroshima Panels 1972 Festival Records
2 Cover for album: William Lovelock / James Penberthy / Alfred Hill (2) – Concerto For Flute And Orchestra / Concerto For Saxophone And Orchestra / Concerto For Piano And Orchestra William Lovelock / James Penberthy / Alfred Hill (2) – Concerto For Flute And Orchestra / Concerto For Saxophone And Orchestra / Concerto For Piano And Orchestra 1972 Festival Records
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