Home Composers Jacques Loeillet

Jacques Loeillet

Short bio Jacques Loeillet

Birthday: 1685
Died: 1748
Genre: Classical
Period: Baroque

Full biography Jacques Loeillet

photo Jacques Loeillet

Jacques Loeillet (1680-1748) was a Flemish composer and musician of the Baroque period. He was born in Ghent, Belgium, and was the younger brother of Jean-Baptiste Loeillet, also a well-known composer. Jacques Loeillet was primarily a composer of instrumental music, specializing in works for the flute and recorder. He also wrote music for the harpsichord and other keyboard instruments.

Jacques Loeillet's music is notable for its technical virtuosity and elegant style, influenced by the French Baroque style of composers such as François Couperin and Jean-Philippe Rameau. His works include sonatas, suites, and concertos, often featuring intricate counterpoint, beautiful melodies, and dynamic harmonies.

Some of Jacques Loeillet's most famous works include his flute sonatas, including the Sonata in E minor, Op. 5 No. 1, and the Sonata in C major, Op. 1 No. 2. He also wrote a number of works for recorder, such as trio sonatas and suites.

Jacques Loeillet was an accomplished musician in his own right and was highly respected by his contemporaries. His music was widely performed and admired during his lifetime and continues to be appreciated by Baroque music enthusiasts today.

Compositions featuring Jacques Loeillet

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Concerto for flute, strings & continuo in D 9:13 min Concerto -
2 Concerto for oboe, strings & basso continuo in E flat major 9:17 min Concerto -
3 Flute Sonata in B minor 9:33 min Chamber Music -
4 Renaissance for keyboard Keyboard -
5 Sonata for 2 transverse flutes, 2 flûtes de voix & continuo 9:56 min Chamber Music -
6 Sonata for trumpet in C major 6:37 min Chamber Music -
7 Trumpet Concerto in D major 3:46 min Concerto -
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