Home Composers Jacques Fereol Mazas

Jacques Fereol Mazas

Short bio Jacques Fereol Mazas

Birthday: 1782
Died: 1849
Genre: Classical

Full biography Jacques Fereol Mazas

photo Jacques Fereol Mazas

Jacques Féréol Mazas (23 September 1782 - 26 August 1849) was a French composer and violinist. He was born in Toulouse, France, and began his music career playing the violin in the orchestra at the Capitole de Toulouse.

Mazas moved to Paris in his early 20s, where he quickly established himself as a talented violinist, composer and teacher. He studied with some of the most renowned musicians of the time, including Rodolphe Kreutzer and Pierre Rode. He also became a prominent member of Parisian musical society during the early 19th century.

Mazas is best remembered for his contributions to the field of violin pedagogy. He wrote a number of highly regarded method books for the violin, including the "Etudes Speciales" (Special Studies) and a set of duets for two violins, which are still commonly used by music students today.

In addition to his pedagogical writings, Mazas composed a large body of works for the violin, including concertos, sonatas, and numerous chamber works. Many of his pieces were popular during his lifetime and were performed extensively throughout Europe.

Despite his success as a composer and teacher, Mazas faced financial struggles throughout his life, and died in poverty at the age of 66. Nonetheless, his contributions to violin pedagogy have endured, and his music continues to be valued by musicians and music lovers around the world.

Compositions featuring Jacques Fereol Mazas

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Le Songe, élégie sur la Favorite de Donizetti, for viola & piano, Op. 92 11:58 min Chamber Music 1840
2 Duet for 2 violins No. 3 in E minor 1:35 min Chamber Music -
3 Melodious and Progressive Studies, for violin, Book I Chamber Music -
4 Study for violin, Op. 36/8 2:27 min Chamber Music -
5 Study for violin, Op. 36/48 2:49 min Chamber Music -

Albums featuring Jacques Fereol Mazas

# Сover Name album Year Music label
1 Cover for album: Jacques Féréol Mazas - Quatuor Mazas – Quatuors & 2 Études D'Artistes(CD, Album) Jacques Féréol Mazas - Quatuor Mazas – Quatuors & 2 Études D'Artistes(CD, Album) 2017 Not On Label
2 Cover for album: Elmar Oliveira, Regis Iandiorio, Mazas – Mazas Duets - Twelve Little Duets For Two Violins Elmar Oliveira, Regis Iandiorio, Mazas – Mazas Duets - Twelve Little Duets For Two Violins 1973 Paganiniana
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