Home Composers Jacopo Peri

Jacopo Peri

Short bio Jacopo Peri

Birthday: 1561 in Rome, Italy
Died: 1633 in Florence, Italy
Genre: Classical
Period: Baroque

Full biography Jacopo Peri

photo Jacopo Peri

Jacopo Peri (1561-1633) was an Italian composer, singer, and instrumentalist who played a significant role in the development of opera during the late Renaissance and early Baroque periods. He is widely recognized as the creator of the first known opera, "Dafne," which was performed in Florence in 1597.

Peri's other works include numerous other operas, sacred music, and secular vocal and instrumental music. He was known for his use of recitative, a singing style that emphasizes the natural rhythms and inflections of speech, which became a defining feature of early operas.

Aside from his musical contributions, Peri also held several important positions in the courts of Florence and Mantua, including serving as a musician at the court of the Medici family. He was highly regarded by his contemporaries, including his rival composer Giulio Caccini, as well as later musicians and historians.

Today, Peri is recognized as one of the most important composers of the early Baroque period, and his innovations in opera paved the way for many of the great composers who came after him.

Compositions featuring Jacopo Peri

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Anima ohimè che pensi, madrigal 3:03 min Vocal Music 1609
2 Ma se resti al mio ben al mio contento, madrigal 1:23 min Vocal Music 1609
3 Quest' umil fera, madrigal 4:21 min Vocal Music 1609
4 In qual parte del ciel, madrigal 4:04 min Vocal Music 1609
5 Ho visto al mio dolore, madrigal 2:54 min Vocal Music 1609
6 Solitario augellino, madrigal 3:07 min Vocal Music 1609
7 Chi più cara t'havrà chi tanto t'ama, madrigal 1:38 min Vocal Music 1609
8 Euridice, opera 98:01 min Opera 1600
9 Dunque fra torbid'onde, madrigal 4:49 min Vocal Music 1589
10 Torna, deh, torna 2:05 min Vocal Music -
11 Tra le donne onde s'onora 2:39 min Vocal Music -
12 Un dì, soletto 2:57 min Vocal Music -
13 Tra le lagrime e i sospiri 4:21 min Vocal Music -
14 Se tu parti da me 3:27 min Vocal Music -
15 Tu dormi 5:42 min Vocal Music -
16 Ricecar delcprimo tuono del Zazzarino 4:31 min Vocal Music -
17 Tutto 'l di piango 4:16 min Vocal Music -
18 Uccidimi, dolore 8:14 min Vocal Music -
19 Qual cadavero spirante 4:37 min Vocal Music -
20 Poi che la notte, for voice & continuo (from Il giudizio di Paride) 2:58 min Vocal Music -
21 Occhi, fonti del core 4:06 min Vocal Music -
22 Al fonte, al prato 1:47 min Vocal Music -
23 O miei giorni 2:47 min Vocal Music -
24 O durezza di ferro 2:22 min Vocal Music -
25 Lungi dal vostro lume 3:11 min Vocal Music -
26 Lasso, ch'i ardo 4:14 min Vocal Music -
27 Lamento Di Iole 10:06 min Vocal Music -
28 Io che d'alti sospir 6:45 min Vocal Music -
29 Hor che gli augelli 2:29 min Vocal Music -
30 Gioite al canto mio 1:59 min Vocal Music -
31 Freddo core che inamore 1:45 min Vocal Music -
32 Chi da' lacci d'amor 1:50 min Vocal Music -
33 Caro dolce ben mio 6:59 min Vocal Music -
34 Bellissima regina 3:19 min Vocal Music -
35 Ballo: Sciolta 3:40 min Vocal Music -
36 Ballo: Pavana 4:13 min Vocal Music -
37 Ballo: Gaglarda 4:25 min Vocal Music -
38 Ballo: Balletto 8:27 min Vocal Music -
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