Home Composers Ivan Lukacic

Ivan Lukacic

Short bio Ivan Lukacic

Birthday: 1587
Died: 1648

Full biography Ivan Lukacic

photo Ivan Lukacic

Ivan Lukacic, also known as Ivan Lukačić, was a Croatian composer born in Šibenik in 1587. He was a prominent figure in the Croatian Baroque music scene, known for his contributions to sacred music during the early Baroque period.

Lukacic began his musical career in Venice, where he studied under such famous composers as Giovanni Gabrieli and Claudio Monteverdi. He later returned to Croatia, where he served as the music director for several prominent churches, including the Split Cathedral and the St. Francis Church in Split.

Lukacic's compositions were primarily focused on sacred music, including masses, motets, and hymns. He was particularly famous for his choral works, which were known for their intricate vocal harmonies and polyphonic textures. Some of his most famous works include "Sacrae cantiones," a collection of sacred songs for four voices, and "Offertoria," a collection of offertories for five to seven voices.

Despite his success as a composer, few of Lukacic's works have survived to the present day. His music was largely forgotten after his death in 1648, and it was not until the 20th century that his compositions began to receive greater attention from scholars and composers. Today, he is considered one of the most important figures in the history of Croatian Baroque music, and his works continue to be performed and studied by musicians around the world.

Compositions featuring Ivan Lukacic

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Motet: "Benedic Domino" 1:58 min -
2 Motet: "Cantabo Domino" 2:18 min -
3 Motet: "Orantibus in loco isto" 1:45 min -
4 Panis angelicus, motet 2:22 min Vocal Music -
5 Quam pulchra es, motet 7:27 min Vocal Music -
6 Sicut cedrus, motet 2:47 min Vocal Music -
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