Home Composers Isaac Posch

Isaac Posch

Short bio Isaac Posch

Birthday: 1591
Died: 1623
Genre: Classical
Period: Baroque

Full biography Isaac Posch

photo Isaac Posch

Isaac Posch (1629-1691) was a German composer and musician of the Baroque era. He was a versatile and prolific composer who is best known for his sacred music.

Posch was born in Rimbach, a small town in what is now modern-day Germany. He studied at the University of Würzburg and later joined the court of the Elector of Mainz. It was here that he began to embark on his career as a composer.

Posch's music is marked by its sacred nature. He was a devout Catholic and his works were often composed for liturgical purposes. He wrote many masses, oratorios, and cantatas, as well as music for various feast days and celebrations throughout the liturgical calendar.

One of the notable features of Posch's music was his use of elaborate ornaments and embellishments, particularly in his vocal music. His works were often complex and highly ornate, featuring intricate polyphonic textures and virtuosic instrumental passages.

Despite his prolific output and obvious talent as a composer, Posch's music fell out of favor in the years following his death. It was only in the 20th century that his works began to receive renewed attention and appreciation from scholars and performers.

Today, Posch is remembered as an important figure in the development of Baroque sacred music. His works continue to be performed and recorded by musicians around the world, and they remain a testament to his remarkable skill as a composer and musician.

Compositions featuring Isaac Posch

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Harmonia Concertans, cantiones sacrae (42) for 1 to 4 voices with continuo Vocal Music 1623
2 Padouana et Gagliarda a 5 No. 5 (Musicalische Tafelfreudt) 6:50 min Chamber Music 1621
3 Cantate Domino 2:28 min Vocal Music -
4 Gagliarda 2:20 min Orchestral -
5 Intrada and Couranta, for organ 2:11 min Keyboard -
6 Padua (Echo) 1:34 min Chamber Music -
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