Home Composers Henry Westrop

Henry Westrop

Short bio Henry Westrop

Birthday: 1812
Died: 1879

Full biography Henry Westrop

photo Henry Westrop

Henry John Westrop (1812-1879) was an English musician, known as an organist, violinist, and composer. He was baptized in Lavenham, Suffolk, England on July 22, 1812. His musical career started as a chorister at St Paul's Cathedral, London.

Westrop held several musical positions in his career, including as an organist at various churches in London, as well as in Birmingham and Bristol. In addition, he taught music privately and at various schools. Westrop composed many pieces during his lifetime, including chamber music, orchestral music, and sacred music. He also wrote an opera titled "The Maid of Bremen", with a libretto by Edward Fitzball, which was performed at the Lyceum Theatre in London in 1854.

Westrop was popular among his contemporaries, and his music was played frequently during his lifetime. He was known for his melodious and expressive compositions, which were often based on harmonies from the Romantic period. Westrop's music was admired for its strong emotional qualities and well-crafted phrasing.

In conclusion, Henry John Westrop was an accomplished English musician who contributed significantly to the musical world. He was known for his compositions, which were often played during his lifetime and admired for their beauty and quality. Westrop's legacy continues to live on through his music, which is still played and enjoyed today.

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