Home Composers Henry David Leslie

Henry David Leslie

Short bio Henry David Leslie

Birthday: 1822
Died: 1896
Genre: Classical
Period: Romantic

Full biography Henry David Leslie

photo Henry David Leslie

Henry David Leslie (1822-1896) was an English composer and conductor. He began his musical career at a young age, studying with several notable teachers in England and on the European continent. As a conductor, Leslie was renowned for his work with amateur choral groups, leading them in performances of both classical and contemporary works.

Leslie's compositions include a variety of works for choral groups, as well as several operas and instrumental pieces. His most famous compositions include the oratorio, "The Martyrdom of St. Polycarp," and the opera, "Pauline." Leslie also wrote a number of hymns, several of which are still sung today, including "Come, ye thankful people, come" and "O day of rest and gladness."

In addition to his musical work, Leslie was also a noted educator, serving as principal of the National College of Music from 1864 to 1866. He was known for his commitment to promoting musical education for all, regardless of their social or economic background.

Overall, Henry David Leslie was a significant figure in the world of classical music in the 19th century, known for his compositions, conducting work, and commitment to musical education. His legacy continues to be felt today through his compositions and the ongoing influence of his pedagogical work.

Compositions featuring Henry David Leslie

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Annabelle Lee 3:32 min Vocal Music -
2 Charm me alseep, and melt me so 3:03 min Choral -
3 Persian Rosebud 2:18 min Vocal Music -
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