Home Composers Henri Moreau

Henri Moreau

Short bio Henri Moreau

Birthday: 1728
Died: 1803

Full biography Henri Moreau

photo Henri Moreau

Henri Moreau was a Belgian composer and teacher born in Liège ), Belgium, on July 15, 1728. He is known for his contributions to classical music, which were significant during his time. Moreau studied with Bartolomeo Felice, Nicolas Rennekin, and others. He was a prolific composer who created a wide range of works, including symphonies, chamber music, and operas. Moreau's work is characterized by its expressive melodies and intricate harmonies, which were popular during the classical period.

In addition to his work as a composer, Moreau was also a teacher. He taught music for many years, and his teachings were highly regarded by his students. Some of his notable students include André Grétry, who was a composer from the Prince-Bishopric of Liège and became a prominent figure in French opera during the late 18th century. Moreau's influence can also be seen in the work of Louis Moreau Gottschalk, an American pianist and composer who was popular during the mid-19th century.

Henri Moreau passed away on November 3, 1803, at the age of 75. His contributions to classical music continue to be admired by musicians and music lovers around the world.

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