Home Composers Heinz Werner Zimmermann

Heinz Werner Zimmermann

Short bio Heinz Werner Zimmermann

Birthday: 1930
Died: 2022
Genre: Classical
Period: Contemporary

Full biography Heinz Werner Zimmermann

photo Heinz Werner Zimmermann

Heinz Werner Zimmermann was a German composer born in 1930 who made significant contributions to the world of music. He initially studied music in Germany and later attended the Akademie für Tonkunst in Darmstadt where he studied with Wolfgang Steinecke. He then went on to study with other renowned composers such as Hans Werner Henze and Karlheinz Stockhausen.

Zimmermann’s music is mainly influenced by classical music, but he also drew on contemporary and experimental styles, blending them all together to create a distinctive sound that often incorporated electronic elements. He composed a wide range of music, including choral music, symphonies, electronic music, and works for solo instruments.

Zimmermann is well known for his contributions to sacred music and hymns, having composed several popular hymns such as "Laudate Pueri" and "Little Flock." He was also recognized for his work in promoting music education and served as a professor at the Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst in Frankfurt. Throughout his life, Zimmermann was awarded numerous prizes and accolades for his contributions to music, and his legacy continues to inspire and influence musicians and composers today.

Compositions featuring Heinz Werner Zimmermann

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Wahrlich, ich sage euch, motet for double chorus (Rogate No. 2) 3:50 min Choral 2008
2 Symphonia Sacra 1995 ("Sinfonie des Lichts") for vocal soloists, chorus, orchestra & jazz combo 55:32 min Choral 1995
3 Get Thyself Up, Now Arise, for chorus 4:49 min Choral -
4 Jerusalem, psalm for organ 4:28 min Keyboard -
5 Lobet, ihr Knechte des Herrn, for chorus & double bass 1:56 min Choral -
6 Neujahrslied (Bonhoeffer-Triptychon, Part 2) 7:30 min Choral -
7 Psalmkonzert, for baritone voices, chorus & ensemble 15:13 min Choral -
8 Uns ist ein Kind geboren, for chorus & double bass 2:08 min Choral -
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