Home Composers Hans Judenkunig

Hans Judenkunig

Short bio Hans Judenkunig

Birthday: 1445
Died: 1526
Genre: Classical
Period: Renaissance

Full biography Hans Judenkunig

photo Hans Judenkunig

Hans Judenkunig was a German lutenist and composer who lived in the Renaissance period. He was born around 1450 and died on March 4, 1526. Judenkunig was known for his work as a lutenist and for being one of the earliest composers of lute music in the German-speaking world.

Judenkunig was a prolific composer, publishing two important collections of lute music. His first collection was Ein schone kunstliche Underweisung (A Beautiful and Artful Instruction), which was published in 1511. This collection contained 29 pieces for solo lute, and was one of the first printed collections of lute music. The pieces in this collection were written in a variety of forms, including dances, preludes, and fantasias.

In 1523, Judenkunig published his second collection of lute music, titled Ain newgeordnet künstlich Lautenbuch (A Newly Organized, Artful Lute Book). This collection contained 104 pieces for solo lute, and was one of the largest collections of lute music published in the 16th century. The pieces in this collection were more complex than those in his earlier collection, and included variations on popular songs and dances.

Judenkunig was also an important figure in the development of lute playing technique, publishing a manual on lute playing in 1523. This manual, titled Ain schone kunstliche Underweisung der Lauten zu spielen (A Beautiful and Artful Instruction on Playing the Lute), was one of the earliest printed manuals on lute playing.

Overall, Hans Judenkunig was an important figure in the development of lute music and lute playing technique in the German-speaking world. His collections of lute music were some of the earliest printed collections of their kind, and his work as a lutenist and composer helped to shape the early development of the lute as an instrument.

Compositions featuring Hans Judenkunig

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Ain hoff dantz mit zway stimen 1:15 min Miscellaneous (Classical) -
2 Ain niderlendisch runden dantz 1:37 min Miscellaneous (Classical) -
3 Christ ist Erstanden 1:35 min Miscellaneous (Classical) -
4 Dans van de Luiheid, for ensemble 2:28 min Chamber Music -
5 Der Judentanz 1:34 min -
6 Hoff dantz, for lute 1:48 min Chamber Music -
7 Kalata ala spagnola 1:31 min Miscellaneous (Classical) -
8 Madonna katerina 2:03 min Chamber Music -
9 Mein Hertzigs 2:16 min Chamber Music -
10 Mijn hert altijt, for lute (after Pierre de la Rue) 2:25 min Chamber Music -
11 Rosina, song 3:02 min Vocal Music -
12 Rossina ain welscher dantz 1:40 min Miscellaneous (Classical) -
13 Spaniyelischer Hoff Dantz for lute 1:18 min Chamber Music -

Albums featuring Hans Judenkunig

# Сover Name album Year Music label
1 Cover for album: Johannes Brenneke, Eugen Müller-Dombois, Fritz Wunderlich, Theo Altmeyer, RIAS Chamber Choir – Music For Maximlian: Sounds Of The Renaissance Court Of The Holy Roman Empire Johannes Brenneke, Eugen Müller-Dombois, Fritz Wunderlich, Theo Altmeyer, RIAS Chamber Choir – Music For Maximlian: Sounds Of The Renaissance Court Of The Holy Roman Empire 1961 Angel Records
2 Cover for album: Heinrich Isaac, Hans Judenkönig, Paul Hofhaimer, Ludwig Senfl, Josquin Despres, Leonhard Kleber, Wolfgang Grefinger, Heinrich Finck, Hans Kotter – Innsbruck. Die Hofkapelle Maximilians I.(LP) Heinrich Isaac, Hans Judenkönig, Paul Hofhaimer, Ludwig Senfl, Josquin Despres, Leonhard Kleber, Wolfgang Grefinger, Heinrich Finck, Hans Kotter – Innsbruck. Die Hofkapelle Maximilians I.(LP) - EMI Electrola GmbH
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