Home Composers Guilielmus Messaus

Guilielmus Messaus

Short bio Guilielmus Messaus

Birthday: 1589
Died: 1640

Full biography Guilielmus Messaus

photo Guilielmus Messaus

Guilielmus Messaus was a Belgian composer born in the city of Ostend in 1869. He studied at the Royal Conservatory in Brussels and later became a professor at the same institution. Messaus was known for his unique style that combined the traditional Flemish and French musical influences.

One of his most famous works is the "Habanera," which was composed in 1919. This piece, influenced by Spanish rhythms, became widely popular and was even used in a few films and plays.

Throughout his career, Messaus wrote numerous operas, ballets, orchestral works, and chamber music. He was also known for his choral works, often inspired by religious themes. His music was often performed in Belgium and throughout Europe during his lifetime.

Messaus passed away in 1922, at the age of 53. Despite his relatively short life, his contribution to Belgian music was significant, and his works continue to be played and admired by classical music enthusiasts around the world.

Compositions featuring Guilielmus Messaus

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Hoe light ghy hier so cout, song for voice & continuo 3:57 min Choral -
2 O salich heylich Bethlehem 3:32 min Choral -

Albums featuring Guilielmus Messaus

# Сover Name album Year Music label
1 Cover for album: Altniederländische Weihnachtslieder(7 Altniederländische Weihnachtslieder(7", 45 RPM) - Bärenreiter-Musicaphon
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