Home Composers Goffredo Petrassi

Goffredo Petrassi

Short bio Goffredo Petrassi

Birthday: 1904
Died: 2003

Full biography Goffredo Petrassi

photo Goffredo Petrassi

Goffredo Petrassi was an Italian composer born in 1904 in Zagarolo, a small town near Rome. He was a prominent figure in the Italian music scene in the 20th century and remained an active composer until his death in 2003.

Initially, Petrassi had no formal musical training. However, his passion for music led him to study privately with composers like Ildebrando Pizzetti and Alfredo Casella. He then went on to attend the Santa Cecilia Conservatory in Rome, where he honed his composition skills under the tutelage of Ottorino Respighi.

Petrassi's compositions were heavily influenced by the music of the Second Viennese School of composers, including Arnold Schoenberg, Alban Berg, and Anton Webern. He's often considered as one of the integral figures in Italian modernism, and his compositions ranged from solo instrument pieces to large symphonic works.

Some of his most notable works include "Nonsense" for piano, "Partita" for orchestra, and "Coro di Morti" for choir and orchestra. He also wrote numerous operas, including "Il Cordovano," "Draff," and "Morte dell'autore."

In addition to composing, Petrassi was also a music educator, and he taught composition at the Santa Cecilia Conservatory in Rome from 1950 to 1974. He also held several posts as a lecturer and conductor throughout Europe and the United States.

In recognition of his contributions to the field of music, Petrassi received numerous honors and awards, including the International Rostrum of Composers Prize in 1956 and the Viotti d'Oro Prize in 1965. He was also elected to the Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia and awarded the prestigious Prince Pierre de Monaco Prize in 1985.

Overall, Goffredo Petrassi's unique musical voice, groundbreaking compositions, and dedication to music education place him as one of the most prominent and influential Italian composers of the 20th century.

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