Home Composers Giulio Litta

Giulio Litta

Short bio Giulio Litta

Birthday: 1822
Died: 1891

Full biography Giulio Litta

photo Giulio Litta

Giulio Litta was an Italian composer and avid art collector who lived in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. He was born in 1795 and died in 1801. Although not as well-known as some of his contemporaries, Litta was an important figure in the early Romantic period of music.

Litta was known for his contributions to the development of opera, particularly in his work with librettist Felice Romani. Litta was also an accomplished pianist and composed piano music, chamber music, and songs. He was considered to be a very versatile musician who had a strong sense of harmonic structure and melodic expression.

Aside from his musical career, Litta was also known for his passion for art. He was an avid collector of paintings, sculptures, and other art objects. His collection included works by a wide range of artists, from ancient Greek pottery to contemporary Italian painters.

Litta was highly regarded by his contemporaries, and his music was praised for its emotional depth and technical innovation. Although he died at a relatively young age, his contributions to music and art continue to be appreciated and studied today.

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