Home Composers Giovanni Porta

Giovanni Porta

Short bio Giovanni Porta

Birthday: 1675
Died: 1755
Genre: Classical
Period: Baroque

Full biography Giovanni Porta

photo Giovanni Porta

Giovanni Porta (c. 1675 – 21 June 1755) was an Italian composer , known primarily for his operas. He was a contemporary of Antonio Vivaldi and was active during the Baroque period. Porta composed over twenty operas, often collaborating with librettists such as Domenico Lalli and Pietro Pariati.

Porta's most famous work is his opera Argippo, which premiered in Venice in 1717. Its success helped establish Porta's career and it was subsequently performed throughout Europe. Porta's operas feature a blend of Italian and French styles, with a tendency towards more gentle, lyrical melodies rather than the flashy virtuosity associated with Vivaldi's works.

In addition to his opera work, Porta also composed instrumental music, including a sinfonia in D. He was commissioned to write the opera Numitore for the opening season of the Royal Academy of Music in London in 1719 , but the work was not a success and Porta returned to Italy soon after.

While Porta may not be as well-known as some of his contemporaries, he continues to be a respected figure in the history of Baroque music. Today, his works are still occasionally performed and recorded, providing a glimpse into a lesser-known aspect of this rich musical period.

Compositions featuring Giovanni Porta

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Ifigenia in Aulide, opera Opera 1738
2 Patrona reverita, aria for voice & continuo (attributed) 2:29 min Vocal Music -
3 Sinfonia for trumpet, strings & continuo in D major 4:31 min Concerto -
4 Udite o Cieli, cantata for voice & orchestra 13:16 min Vocal Music -
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