Home Composers Giovanni Mazzuoli

Giovanni Mazzuoli

Short bio Giovanni Mazzuoli

Birthday: 1360
Died: 1426
Genre: Classical

Full biography Giovanni Mazzuoli

photo Giovanni Mazzuoli

Giovanni Mazzuoli (c. 1360 – 14 May 1426) was an Italian composer and organist of the late medieval and early Renaissance eras. He was also known by the names Giovanni degli Organi and Giovanni di Niccolò. Mazzuoli lived and worked in Florence , Italy, during the early 15th century, and was one of the prominent composers of the Trecento era.

Not much is known about Mazzuoli's life, as much of the historical information on him has been lost. However, his compositions have survived, and they are regarded as some of the finest examples of early Italian polyphony. Mazzuoli's surviving works include several pieces of sacred music, such as motets and hymns, and some secular songs as well.

Mazzuoli's style of composition is characterized by a strong sense of melody, as well as complex and intricate counterpoint. His works represent a transition from the medieval era to the Renaissance, and show the influence of both styles. Mazzuoli's music was highly regarded in his lifetime, and his compositions were widely disseminated and copied throughout Italy.

Today, Mazzuoli's works are still performed and studied by scholars and performers of early music. Some of his compositions have been included in the Squarcialupi Codex, one of the most important collections of 14th and 15th-century Italian music. Although relatively little is known about Mazzuoli's life, his music remains an important part of the early Italian polyphonic tradition.

Compositions featuring Giovanni Mazzuoli

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 A' piè del monte, song (San Lorenzo Palimpsest) 2:21 min Vocal Music -
2 Dopo ch'i' so, song (San Lorenzo Palimpsest) 2:50 min Vocal Music -
3 Splendor da ciel, song (San Lorenzo Palimpsest) 6:08 min Vocal Music -
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