Home Composers Gilles Mureau

Gilles Mureau

Short bio Gilles Mureau

Birthday: 1450
Died: 1512
Genre: Classical

Full biography Gilles Mureau

photo Gilles Mureau

Gilles Mureau was a French composer and singer who lived during the Renaissance period. He was active in central France, mainly in Chartres, and was considered one of the composers listed by several sources. However, only four of his secular songs have survived to this day. The two most famous of these songs are "Tant fort me tarde ta venue" and "Je suis venu te voir." Mureau's works have found their way into manuscripts from Florence , and he was mentioned in various historical musical references. Despite his relative obscurity, Mureau is still known today as a significant representative of Renaissance music. Peter Woetmann Christoffersen discusses Mureau's life and works in his publication, presenting the few preserved songs as a testament to Mureau's composition skills. Several websites and open-access editions describe Gilles Mureau's life and works, including his songs and manuscripts, making him a notable figure in 15th-century music history.

Compositions featuring Gilles Mureau

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Je ne fay plus, for 3 voices 2:39 min Choral -

Albums featuring Gilles Mureau

# Сover Name album Year Music label
1 Cover for album: Grâce AttendantEnsemble Vocal Et Instrumental Roger Blanchard – Les Riches Heures Des Ducs De Bourgogne(LP, Stereo) Grâce AttendantEnsemble Vocal Et Instrumental Roger Blanchard – Les Riches Heures Des Ducs De Bourgogne(LP, Stereo) - Musidisc
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