Home Composers Georges Moustaki

Georges Moustaki

Short bio Georges Moustaki

Birthday: 1934
Died: 2013

Full biography Georges Moustaki

photo Georges Moustaki

Georges Moustaki was an Egyptian-French singer-songwriter and composer of Jewish Italo-Greek origin. He was born on May 3, 1934, in Alexandria, Egypt, and passed away on May 23, 2013, at the age of 79. Over the course of his career, Moustaki wrote about 300 songs for some of the most popular singers in France , including Edith Piaf, Yves Montand, and Barbara.

Moustaki's career began when he moved to Paris in the 1950s and started performing in cabarets. In the meantime, he took up the guitar and began writing his own songs. He attended musical performances around the city whenever he could and soon began performing his own material at venues like the popular Le Tabou nightclub in Saint-Germain-des-Prés.

One of Moustaki's most famous compositions was "Milord," which he wrote for Edith Piaf in 1958. The song became a huge hit and remains a popular classic in France to this day. Moustaki's other notable works include "Ma Liberté" and "Le Métèque," both of which were popularized by the singer himself.

Moustaki was known for his romantic and politically charged lyrics, and his music often drew on a variety of poetic traditions, including French chanson, Latin American bolero, and Mediterranean folk. He was a prolific songwriter, and his music has been covered by artists around the world.

Moustaki's death in 2013 was mourned by musicians and fans around the world. He was remembered as a troubadour and a great writer and poet who left behind a remarkable legacy of music.

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