Home Composers Gabriele Leone

Gabriele Leone

Short bio Gabriele Leone

Birthday: 1735
Died: 1790
Genre: Classical

Full biography Gabriele Leone

photo Gabriele Leone

Gabriele Leone was a prominent Italian composer who lived and worked during the 18th century. Born in Naples in 1725, he quickly became a respected composer and musician, known for his innovative approach to composition and his ability to blend diverse musical styles in his work.

Leone's musical career began in the chapel of the Royal Palace in Naples, where he worked as a singer and composer. In 1744, he moved to Rome, where he studied with famous composers such as Giuseppe Sammartini and Francesco Geminiani. Leone's work was soon recognized for its originality and virtuosity, and he was praised by prominent figures such as Mozart and Beethoven.

Leone's music was influenced by the Baroque and Rococo styles, but he was also inspired by folk music and traditional Neapolitan music. His compositions range from sacred works such as masses and oratorios, to chamber music and instrumental pieces.

Some of Leone's most famous compositions include his six sonatas for harpsichord, which were published in 1748, and his oratorio "La Resurrezione di Lazzaro," which was first performed in Naples in 1755.

Despite his success, Leone's life was not without its challenges. He struggled with financial difficulties throughout his career, and was forced to sell the rights to some of his compositions in order to make ends meet. However, Leone's contributions to the world of music continue to be celebrated to this day, and his unique approach to composition continues to inspire musicians and composers around the world.

Compositions featuring Gabriele Leone

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Duo No. 3 5:48 min Chamber Music -
2 El Pillete 2:25 min Miscellaneous (Classical) -
3 Sonata for mandolin & continuo No. 2 in A major, Op. 2 13:04 min Keyboard -
4 Sonata for mandolin & continuo No. 2 in G major, Op. 1/2 10:08 min Chamber Music -
5 Sonata for Neapolitan mandolin & guitar in C major 8:58 min Chamber Music -
6 Sonata for Neopolitan mandolin & guitar No 6 11:43 min Chamber Music -
7 Sonata No. 3 8:28 min Chamber Music -
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