Home Composers Franz Lauska

Franz Lauska

Short bio Franz Lauska

Birthday: 1764
Died: 1825

Full biography Franz Lauska

photo Franz Lauska

Franz Seraphin Lauska was a Moravian pianist, composer, and teacher who lived from January 13, 1764, to April 18, 1825. He was baptized as Franciscus Ignatius Joannes Nepomucensis Carolus Boromaeus. Lauska is known for being the piano teacher of many famous composers, including Giacomo Meyerbeer, who he taught when he was just a boy. In addition to teaching, Lauska also composed music and performed as a pianist.

Lauska was born in the Moravian town of Prostějov and began his career as a musician as a child prodigy. He studied piano with the Czech composer, pianist, and music theorist Muzio Clementi in Vienna. After his studies, he became a piano teacher in Vienna and was known for his teaching technique that emphasized the use of the fingers. His most famous student, Giacomo Meyerbeer, went on to become a prominent composer of grand operas in France.

Apart from his work as a teacher and performer, Lauska also composed music primarily for the piano. His compositions included sonatas, variations, and rondos. While he was not as well-known or influential as some of his contemporaries, he was respected as a composer and was well-regarded by his pupils and other musicians.

Lauska's legacy lives on through the many famous composers he taught, including Giacomo Meyerbeer, Hélène Liebmann, and Wilhelm Schneider. Many of his compositions have also been recorded and are available for those interested in exploring his works.

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