Home Composers Frank La Rocca

Frank La Rocca

Short bio Frank La Rocca

Birthday: 1951

Full biography Frank La Rocca

photo Frank La Rocca

Frank La Rocca is an American composer who is known particularly for his sacred music. He has served as a composer-in-residence at the Benedict XVI Institute for Sacred Music and Liturgy. La Rocca's compositions are noted for their mystical qualities and for being rooted in tradition.

One of his notable works is the Mass of the Americas, which was inspired by the missionary history of California and incorporates elements of Latin American folk music. He was also commissioned by Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone to compose the musical setting for the Mass that celebrated the 100th anniversary of the dedication of San Francisco's St. Mary's Cathedral.

La Rocca's compositions have received critical acclaim, including praise from former US Poet Laureate Dana Gioia who called him an "exemplar of the church's new creative renewal." He has been described as a modernist composer who also incorporates traditional musical elements, and some of his works have been referred to as masterpieces.

In addition to his work as a composer, La Rocca has also been a professor of music at California State University, East Bay and has given lectures and masterclasses on music composition and theory. He continues to be an active composer and is regarded as a figure shaping the contemporary landscape of church music.

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