Home Composers Francois-Louis Perne

Francois-Louis Perne

Short bio Francois-Louis Perne

Birthday: 1772
Died: 1832
Genre: Classical

Full biography Francois-Louis Perne

photo Francois-Louis Perne

Francois-Louis Perne was a French composer who was born in Bordeaux on May 19th, 1772, and died in Paris on December 15th, 1832. He was a prolific composer and known for his symphonies, concertos, chamber music, and operas.

Perne began his musical career at a young age, studying at Bordeaux Cathedral, where his father was a choirmaster. He later continued his studies at the Paris Conservatory under the guidance of renowned composer Luigi Cherubini. During his time at the conservatory, he won several awards for his compositions, including the prestigious Prix de Rome in 1797.

In 1798, Perne returned to Paris, where he became a music teacher, conductor, and composer. He quickly gained popularity for his works, and his music was performed regularly at the Paris Opera and other concert venues throughout the city.

Perne's music is known for its elegance, lyricism, and melodic charm. His compositions often exhibit a mastery of counterpoint and are characterized by their clear and logical structure.

Some of his best-known works include his Symphony No. 1 in C major, his opera Le Comte de Carmagnola, and his String Quartet No. 3 in G major. His music was also popular in Germany, and he was often compared to composers such as Mozart and Beethoven.

In conclusion, Francois-Louis Perne was a talented composer whose music has stood the test of time. His works remain a testament to his dedication to the craft, and his legacy lives on through the continued performance and appreciation of his music.

Compositions featuring Francois-Louis Perne

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Messe des solennels mineurs Choral -
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