Home Composers Francois-Andre Danican Philidor

Francois-Andre Danican Philidor

Short bio Francois-Andre Danican Philidor

Birthday: 1726 in Dreux, France
Died: 1795 in London, England
Genre: Classical
Period: Classical

Full biography Francois-Andre Danican Philidor

photo Francois-Andre Danican Philidor

Francois-Andre Danican Philidor was a French composer, chess player, and writer who lived between 1726 and 1795. He was born into a family of musicians, and his love for music was evident from an early age. Philidor quickly developed into a talented composer, becoming one of the foremost figures in French Baroque music.

Philidor's works were mainly composed for the stage, and his most famous work is the opera "Tom Jones," which was first performed in 1765. He was also known for his music for the theater, including his ballets, motets and his many instrumental works.

In addition to his musical achievements, Philidor was a skilled chess player, and he is often credited with developing the modern game of chess. He wrote several books on chess, including his seminal work "Analyse du jeu des échecs," which was among the first comprehensive guides to the game.

Throughout his life, Philidor was a man of many talents, and he was known for his wit and quick mind. He died in London in 1795. Despite being overshadowed by more famous composers of the period, Philidor's contributions to both music and chess were significant, and he remains a revered figure in both fields to this day.

Compositions featuring Francois-Andre Danican Philidor

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Carmen Saeculare, secular oratorio 77:31 min Choral 1778
2 Les Femmes Vengées, opera 67:10 min Opera 1775
3 Ernelinde, princesse de Norvège, opera Opera 1767
4 Tom Jones, opera 133:44 min Opera 1765
5 Le sorcier, opera Opera 1764
6 Sancho Pança dans son isle, opera 57:00 min Opera 1762
7 Le Jardinier et Son Seignor, opera Opera 1761
8 Ariette ajoutée au devin du village, for soprano solo 4:34 min Vocal Music -
9 L'art de la modulation, quartets (6) for oboe/flute, 2 violins & continuo 35:33 min Chamber Music -
10 Simphonie No. 27 in G major (Ouverture: Le maréchal ferrant) 12:25 min Symphony -
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