Home Composers Francesco de Layolle

Francesco de Layolle

Short bio Francesco de Layolle

Birthday: 1492 in Florence, Italy
Died: 1540 in Lyon, France
Genre: Classical
Period: Renaissance

Full biography Francesco de Layolle

photo Francesco de Layolle

Francesco de Layolle was an Italian composer who lived in the late 16th and early 17th centuries. He was born in Naples, Italy, and is best known for his work as a court composer for the House of Habsburg, one of the most important royal families of Europe at the time.

De Layolle was highly regarded for his ability to incorporate several musical styles, from Italian to Spanish and French. His compositions were characterized by their lush melodies and harmonic complexity, which helped to pave the way for the development of the Baroque period.

Although much of his work has been lost or forgotten over time, Francesco de Layolle's contribution to the world of classical music cannot be overstated. He played an important role in the evolution of Western music and helped lay the foundation for the Baroque period, which was a period of great artistic and intellectual flourishing in Europe.

In conclusion, Francesco de Layolle was a towering figure in the world of classical music, whose legacy continues to influence composers and musicians to this day. His innovative approach to music composition, coupled with his sensitivity to different cultural influences, helped to shape the future of Western music.

Compositions featuring Francesco de Layolle

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Lasciar il velo o per sol' o per ombra, madrigal for 4 voices 3:04 min Choral 1540
2 Doulce Mémoire, duo for archlute & bass viol 2:01 min Chamber Music 1539
3 Stephanus Autem (Cat. Auriense), motet 2:21 min Choral 15??
4 Alma felice e lieta (from "Cinquanta canzoni") 2:22 min Miscellaneous (Classical) -
5 La fille qui n'a point d'ami (from "Le Parangon") 4:39 min Miscellaneous (Classical) -
6 Lassare il velo (instrumental) 3:08 min Miscellaneous (Classical) -
7 Les Bourguignons 1:46 min Miscellaneous (Classical) -
8 Media vita in morte 2:43 min Choral -
9 Noe, noe, noe a 5, for 5 voices 2:15 min Choral -
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