Home Composers Firmin Lebel

Firmin Lebel

Short bio Firmin Lebel

Birthday: 1540
Died: 1573

Full biography Firmin Lebel

photo Firmin Lebel

Firmin Lebel was a French composer and choir director who lived during the 16th century. He is known for his contributions to sacred music, particularly in the Catholic Church. Lebel was a prominent figure in the music scene of his time and was highly respected for his musical achievements.

Lebel's exact birth date and early life are not well documented, but it is believed that he was born in the early 1500s. He is known to have studied under renowned composers of his time, including Robin Mallapert, who also taught Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina. Lebel is credited with imparting significant knowledge and skill to Palestrina, who went on to become one of the most influential composers of the Renaissance period.

Lebel held various positions throughout his career, including choir director at a number of prominent churches in France. He was known for his musical expertise and impressive skills in choral composition. He wrote numerous pieces of sacred music, including motets, masses, and chansons.

Lebel's music is characterized by its polyphonic style, which features multiple independent lines of melody sung in harmony. He was known for his attention to detail and his ability to create complex and intricate compositions that nonetheless remained accessible and appealing to listeners.

Today, Firmin Lebel is perhaps best remembered for his contributions to the development of Renaissance sacred music. His work has had a lasting impact on the musical traditions of the Catholic Church, and his compositions continue to be performed and studied by musicians and scholars around the world.

Albums featuring Firmin Lebel

# Сover Name album Year Music label
1 Cover for album: Sistine-Vatican Choir – Peur Natus Est Nobis Christmas Motette(Shellac, 12 Sistine-Vatican Choir – Peur Natus Est Nobis Christmas Motette(Shellac, 12", 78 RPM) - Parlophone
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