Home Composers Ferdinand Praeger

Ferdinand Praeger

Short bio Ferdinand Praeger

Birthday: 1815
Died: 1891

Full biography Ferdinand Praeger

photo Ferdinand Praeger

Ferdinand Praeger was a German composer, pianist, music teacher, and writer who lived from January 22, 1815, to September 2, 1891. He was born in Leipzig, Germany, and began studying music as a child, learning to play the cello, piano, and violin. His father, Heinrich Aloys Praeger, was also a musician, composer, and conductor.

Praeger was known for his controversial biography of Richard Wagner , with whom he had a close friendship that lasted throughout his life. Praeger's book, titled "Wagner As I Knew Him," was a personal account of his relationship with the famous composer and detailed many of the experiences they shared together.

Aside from his writing, Praeger was also a prolific composer, with works that ranged from piano sonatas to operas. His compositions were often influenced by the Romantic era, and he was known for his expressive and emotional style. In addition to his own works, Praeger was also a music teacher and taught many students throughout his career.

Despite his contributions to music, Praeger is not as well-known as some of his contemporaries, and many of his works have not been widely performed. However, his legacy lives on through his writings and through the few recordings of his music that are available.

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