Home Composers Estêvão de Brito

Estêvão de Brito

Short bio Estêvão de Brito

Birthday: 1575
Died: 1641
Genre: Classical

Full biography Estêvão de Brito

photo Estêvão de Brito

Estêvão de Brito was a renowned Portuguese composer of the Renaissance period. Born in Lisbon in 1570, he was a pioneer in the field of Portuguese polyphony. Brito was primarily known for his religious works, which were heavily influenced by the counter-reformation movement of the Catholic Church.

His musical education began at an early age, and as a teenager, he became a choirboy at the Lisbon Cathedral. Later, he became the choirmaster at the prestigious convent of Santa Cruz and was highly regarded in his time as an expert on liturgical music. His works were frequently performed at the court of King John IV, who showed special interest in his compositions.

Brito's music is characterized by his use of complex counterpoint and his incorporation of intricate melodic lines accompanied by a full choir. His music was also notable for its clear and simple harmonies, which made it accessible to all audiences.

Some of his most famous works include the "Missa Te Deum laudamus," "Missa pro defunctis," and the "Motetos para a Missa da Todos os Santos." These compositions were widely performed not just in Portugal, but throughout Europe, and cemented his position as one of the most significant composers of his time.

Brito passed away in Lisbon on the 18th of August 1641, but his musical legacy continues to influence and inspire composers and musicians around the world. His contributions to Renaissance polyphony, and his trailblazing approach, have established him as a musical icon in Portuguese history.

Compositions featuring Estêvão de Brito

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Crux fidelis 6:50 min Miscellaneous (Classical) -
2 Heu, Domine, Motet 3:19 min Choral -
3 Lamentations of Jeremiah Choral -
4 O Rex gloriae, motet for 8 voices 2:09 min Choral -
5 Officium Defunctorum 59:01 min Miscellaneous (Classical) -
6 Salve Regina 5:46 min Choral -
7 Sancta Maria, motet for chorus & organ 3:54 min Choral -

Albums featuring Estêvão de Brito

# Сover Name album Year Music label
1 Cover for album: Estêvão de Brito - Grupo Vocal Olisipo – Officium Defunctorum(CD, ) Estêvão de Brito - Grupo Vocal Olisipo – Officium Defunctorum(CD, ) 1995 Movieplay Classics
2 Cover for album: White, Tallis, Palestrina, Lassus, de Brito - Jeremy Summerly, Oxford Camerata – Lamentations White, Tallis, Palestrina, Lassus, de Brito - Jeremy Summerly, Oxford Camerata – Lamentations 1991 Naxos
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