Home Composers Eloy d'Amerval

Eloy d'Amerval

Short bio Eloy d'Amerval

Birthday: 1455
Died: 1508

Full biography Eloy d'Amerval

photo Eloy d'Amerval

Eloy d'Amerval was a French composer who lived in the Renaissance era. Born in the late 15th century, not much is known about his life and early years. However, his contribution to music during his time was quite notable.

D'Amerval's famous work is a collection of chansons called "Le ‘Livre de la Deffence et Illustration de la Langue Francoyse." The book was published in 1539 and contains over 120 chansons, which were very popular during the Renaissance period.

D'Amerval's unique style and approach to music set him apart from his contemporaries. He was known for his use of polyphony, which is a musical technique that employs multiple voices playing different notes at the same time. This technique is especially clear in some of his famous compositions such as "Je suis desherite, Orphelin d’amours" and "Je suis venúe Dessus le may."

Another thing that made d'Amerval's work stand out is his use of symbolism in his compositions. He often used symbolic lyrics to convey deeper meanings and emotions in his songs. This was quite uncommon during his time, as most composers focused on creating music that was enjoyable to the ear with little emphasis on story or symbolism.

Despite d'Amerval's significant contributions to music, he is relatively unknown in modern times. However, his chansons remain a part of Renaissance music history and are still studied and performed by choirs and music enthusiasts around the world.

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