Home Composers David N.Johnson

David N.Johnson

Short bio David N.Johnson

Birthday: 1922
Died: 1987
Genre: Classical
Period: Modern

Full biography David N.Johnson

photo David N.Johnson

David N. Johnson was an American organist , composer, educator, and choral clinician. He was born on February 20, 1922, in San Antonio, Texas, and started playing the organ at the age of ten. He later studied at the Curtis Institute of Music in Philadelphia, where he specialized in organ and composition.

Johnson served as an organist and choirmaster at several churches and was known for his improvisation skills. He was also a prolific composer and created an extensive body of works for the organ, choir, and other instruments. Johnson's compositions were often influenced by jazz, blues, and gospel music, which he combined with traditional choral music to create a unique style.

In addition to his work as a composer and performer, Johnson was also an educator and taught at several institutions, including St. Olaf College in Minnesota, where he served as the head of the music department. He was known for his innovative teaching methods and his commitment to organ pedagogy, which he promoted through his teaching and writing.

David N. Johnson was a highly respected figure in the world of church music and was known for his contributions to the field of hymnody. Some of his most well-known works include "Earth and All Stars" and "The Lone, Wild Bird." Johnson passed away on October 28, 1987, in Phoenix, Arizona, at the age of 65, leaving behind a rich legacy of music and education.

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