Home Composers Dary John Mizelle

Dary John Mizelle

Short bio Dary John Mizelle

Birthday: 1940 in Stillwater, OK
Active: 1980s
Genre: Avant-Garde

Full biography Dary John Mizelle

photo Dary John Mizelle

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Albums featuring Dary John Mizelle

# Сover Name album Year Music label
1 Cover for album: Soundscape - Collected Works Vol. 1(CD, Album, Compilation) Soundscape - Collected Works Vol. 1(CD, Album, Compilation) 2000 Furious Artisans
2 Cover for album: New Percussion Music - Soundscape / Polytempus II(LP) New Percussion Music - Soundscape / Polytempus II(LP) 1981 Lumina Records Ltd.
3 Cover for album: Music of Dary John Mizelle Music of Dary John Mizelle 1981 Irida
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