Home Composers Charles Lucien Lambert

Charles Lucien Lambert

Short bio Charles Lucien Lambert

Birthday: 1828
Died: 1896
Genre: Classical

Full biography Charles Lucien Lambert

photo Charles Lucien Lambert

Charles Lucien Lambert was an American pianist and composer who lived in the 19th century. He was born in New Orleans in 1828 and passed away in Paris in 1896. Lambert was a contemporary of the well-known composer and musician, Louis Moreau Gottschalk.

Lambert was known for his virtuosic piano performances and his compositions that combined American and European musical traditions. He had a successful career in Europe, particularly in Paris, where he was a prominent figure in the music scene.

Lambert's most famous work is his "Overture de Broceliande," which was premiered in Paris in 1886. It is a lively and colorful orchestral piece that showcases Lambert's skill as a composer and his unique musical style.

Lambert also had a son, Lucien-Leon Guillaume Lambert, who was a pianist and composer in his own right. The younger Lambert was born in Paris and had a successful career in Europe and the United States.

Overall, Charles Lucien Lambert was a talented and influential composer who bridged the gap between American and European music in the 19th century. His unique musical style and virtuosic piano playing have made him an important figure in the history of music.

Compositions featuring Charles Lucien Lambert

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Bresiliana, Grande valse brilliante de salon 6:19 min Keyboard -
2 L'Amazone, Caprice-mazurka, Op.67 6:10 min -
3 L'Américaine, Grande valse brilliante 6:56 min -
4 Le Calabrais, Galop brilliant, Op.39 2:14 min -
5 Le Castillian, Bolero pour le piano 6:29 min Keyboard -
6 Variations et final sur l'air "Au Clair de la Lune", Op.30 9:42 min -
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