Home Composers Carolus Luython

Carolus Luython

Short bio Carolus Luython

Birthday: 1557
Died: 1620
Genre: Classical
Period: Renaissance

Full biography Carolus Luython

photo Carolus Luython

Carolus Luython (1557-1620) was a Flemish composer who lived during the Renaissance period. He was a well-known composer of vocal polyphony and held several important positions in the courts of Europe during his lifetime.

Luython began his career as a choirboy and later studied music in Cologne and Vienna. He was appointed the court composer for the Holy Roman Emperor Rudolf II in Prague , where he composed a number of works for the imperial chapel. Some of his most famous works include the motet "Lamentatio Sanctae Matris Ecclesiae Pragensis" and the mass "Missa super Basim: Caesar vive."

Aside from his work at the imperial court, Luython also held positions as a musician and composer in Augsburg and Brussels. He is known for his skill in crafting complex vocal harmonies and his use of dissonance and chromaticism in his music.

Today, Luython's works are still studied and performed by choirs and vocal ensembles around the world, and he is remembered as an important figure in the development of Renaissance polyphony.

Compositions featuring Carolus Luython

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Opus Musicum in Lamentationes Hieremiae Prophetae, for 6 voices 44:28 min Choral 1602
2 Caesar vive!, missa basim for 7 voices & organ 3:30 min Choral -
3 Canzon alla Francese 2:05 min -
4 Canzon in G for keyboard 2:00 min Keyboard -
5 Du rose fresche - Non vede un simil, madrigal a 5 4:50 min Vocal Music -
6 Erano i capei d'oro a l'aura, madrigal a 5 2:10 min Vocal Music -
7 Fuga Suavissima for organ 6:28 min Keyboard -
8 In tribus placitum est Spiritui meo, motet 3:13 min Choral -
9 Maria en Reis, motet 2:23 min Choral -
10 Missa Sex Vocum Super Filiae Jerusalem 17:30 min -
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