Home Composers Carlos Pedrell

Carlos Pedrell

Short bio Carlos Pedrell

Birthday: 1878
Died: 1941
Genre: Classical

Full biography Carlos Pedrell

photo Carlos Pedrell

Carlos Pedrell was a Uruguayan guitarist and composer who lived from an unknown date to 1941. He is known for his piece "Al atardecer en los jardines de Arlaja", which was composed for the guitar. He was a student of the famous musicologist and composer Felip Pedrell, who inspired him to write Spanish music. Pedrell was a distinguished teacher for music and had notable students such as Isaac Albniz. In addition to his composition work, he was also a notable guitarist. Carlos Pedrell passed away in 1941 at the age of 62.

Compositions featuring Carlos Pedrell

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Al atardecer, en los jardines de Arlaja, for guitar 4:27 min Chamber Music 1928
2 Improvisación for guitar 3:02 min Chamber Music 1924
3 Danzas de las tres princesas cautivas, for guitar 16:07 min Chamber Music -
4 Guitarreo, for guitar 1:29 min Chamber Music -
5 Lamento, for guitar 3:38 min Chamber Music -
6 Pagina Romantica 1:02 min Miscellaneous (Classical) -
7 Pièces (3) for guitar 6:18 min Chamber Music -
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