Home Composers Carl Lachmund

Carl Lachmund

Short bio Carl Lachmund

Birthday: 1853
Died: 1928

Full biography Carl Lachmund

photo Carl Lachmund

Carl V. Lachmund (1853-1928) was an American classical pianist , conductor, composer, teacher, and diarist. He was a student of several notable musicians, including Franz Liszt, and became known for his performances of Liszt's music. Lachmund was also well-regarded as a teacher and counted many accomplished musicians among his students.

Lachmund began his music education in his native New York City, studying piano with William Mason and Louis Moreau Gottschalk. He later studied with Rafael Joseffy and Theodor Leschetizky in Europe before ultimately becoming a student of Franz Liszt in Weimar, Germany. Lachmund developed a close relationship with the composer, spending several years studying with him and later inviting him to visit New York City.

In addition to his performances and teaching, Lachmund was also a composer and wrote several works for piano, including etudes, preludes, and waltzes. He also wrote a book entitled "Living with Liszt", which chronicled his experiences as a student and friend of the composer.

Lachmund's legacy is felt heavily in the music world today, with many of his former students becoming accomplished musicians and teachers themselves. He is remembered as a dedicated and passionate musician who helped spread the influence of Franz Liszt's music throughout America.

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