Home Composers Benjamin Johnson Lang

Benjamin Johnson Lang

Short bio Benjamin Johnson Lang

Birthday: 1837
Died: 1909

Full biography Benjamin Johnson Lang

photo Benjamin Johnson Lang

Benjamin Johnson Lang (1837-1909) was an American conductor, composer, and pianist. He was born in Salem, Massachusetts, and began studying music at a young age. He later continued his studies in Europe, where he trained as a pianist and conductor. He also studied composition with Franz Liszt.

Lang was a prominent figure in the Boston music scene and served as the conductor of several leading choirs and orchestras in the area. He was particularly dedicated to advancing the cause of American classical music and frequently programmed works by American composers.

Lang was also a respected teacher of music, and he taught at several institutions throughout his career. One of his most notable pupils was the composer and pianist Margaret Ruthven Lang, who was his daughter.

Lang's works as a composer were primarily in the vocal and choral genres, and he wrote several hymns, anthems, and other works for choir. He also wrote a number of arrangements for piano, including transcriptions of works by Bach and Liszt.

Overall, Benjamin Johnson Lang was an important figure in American music during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. His dedication to promoting American music and his contributions as a conductor, composer, and teacher had a lasting impact on the musical culture of his time.

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