Home Composers Auguste Pilati

Auguste Pilati

Short bio Auguste Pilati

Birthday: 1810
Died: 1877

Full biography Auguste Pilati

photo Auguste Pilati

Auguste Pilati (1810-1876) was a French composer, conductor, and music teacher. He was born in Paris and began his musical career at the age of 10 when he was accepted into the Paris Conservatory.

Pilati composed orchestral music, chamber music, and vocal music, but he is best known for his operas. One of his most successful works was the three-act opera, "Le faux lord," which premiered in Paris in 1856. Other notable works by Pilati include "La fée Carabosse," "Le chien du jardinier," and "Les mémoires de l'Aigle."

In addition to composing, Pilati was also a renowned conductor. He conducted the orchestra at the Théâtre Lyrique in Paris and later became the musical director of the Opéra-Comique. Pilati was known for his meticulous attention to detail and his ability to bring out the best in his performers.

As a music teacher, Pilati had a significant impact on the development of French music in the 19th century. He taught many prominent composers, including Georges Bizet, Jules Massenet, and Camille Saint-Saëns. His emphasis on technique and his rigorous training methods helped to shape the French classical tradition.

Auguste Pilati died in Paris in 1876, but his influence on French music can still be felt today. His compositions continue to be performed and his legacy lives on through the many students he taught and inspired.

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