Home Composers Arnold de Lantins

Arnold de Lantins

Short bio Arnold de Lantins

Birthday: 1423 in Liège, Belgium
Died: 1432 in Rome, Italy
Genre: Classical
Period: Medieval

Full biography Arnold de Lantins

photo Arnold de Lantins

Arnold de Lantins was a prominent composer during the 15th century who is renowned for his contribution to the Burgundian School of music. He was born in the Netherlands in the town of Lantin, which is believed to have been in the region of Liège. However, very little is known about his early life, including his exact date of birth.

During the late 1400s, Arnold de Lantins worked in the service of Philip the Good, Duke of Burgundy, who was one of the most powerful rulers in Europe at the time. He served as a musician and composer at the Burgundian court in Brussels, where he was known for his unique and innovative works.

Arnold de Lantins is credited with composing over 50 works, most of which were sacred music, including masses, motets, and hymns. His compositions were known for their brilliance and complexity and were admired for their ability to evoke powerful emotions in listeners.

Some of his notable works include "Missa Verbum Incarnatum," "Ave Regina Caelorum," and "Missa Caput." His compositions were characterized by their beautiful melodies, rich harmonies, and the use of sophisticated musical techniques such as canons, imitation, and dense polyphony.

Arnold de Lantins' works enjoyed immense popularity throughout the 15th century and beyond. Despite this, little is known about his life or his contribution to the development of music during this period. Nevertheless, his creative works have left an indelible mark on the world of music, and he is remembered today as one of the leading composers of the late medieval period.

Compositions featuring Arnold de Lantins

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Tout mon désir, ballade for 3 voices 4:15 min Vocal Music 1432
2 Amour servir et honnourer, song 3:42 min Vocal Music -
3 Ce jour de l'an, belle, je vous supply, song 2:46 min Vocal Music -
4 Hélas emy! ma dame et ma mestresse, song 3:44 min Vocal Music -
5 In tua memoria 2:56 min Choral -
6 Las, pouray je mon martire celer, song 2:48 min Vocal Music -
7 Missa verbum incarnatum, for 3 voices 4:57 min Choral -
8 Ne me vueillés belle oblier, song 3:43 min Vocal Music -
9 O pulcherrina mulierum, motet 3:11 min Choral -
10 Puis que je voy, belle, que ne m'amés, song 4:46 min Vocal Music -
11 Puisque je suy cyprianés, song 2:10 min Vocal Music -
12 Tota pulchra es, motet 2:38 min Choral -

Albums featuring Arnold de Lantins

# Сover Name album Year Music label
1 Cover for album: Arnold de Lantins, Capilla Flamenca, Psallentes, Clari Cantuli – Missa Verbum Incarnatum(CD, Album) Arnold de Lantins, Capilla Flamenca, Psallentes, Clari Cantuli – Missa Verbum Incarnatum(CD, Album) 2002 Ricercar
2 Cover for album: Guillaume Dufay, Johannes Brassart, Hugo De Lantins, Richard De Loqueville, John Dunstable, Gilles Binchois, Solage, Johannes Simon De Haspre, Johannes Cesaris, Francescus Andrieu, Nicolaus Grenon, Arnold de Lantins, Robert Norton (4) – Und  Seine Zeit . Guillaume Dufay, Johannes Brassart, Hugo De Lantins, Richard De Loqueville, John Dunstable, Gilles Binchois, Solage, Johannes Simon De Haspre, Johannes Cesaris, Francescus Andrieu, Nicolaus Grenon, Arnold de Lantins, Robert Norton (4) – Und Seine Zeit . 1974 Telefunken
3 Cover for album: Lantins, Dufay – Mass / Hymns Lantins, Dufay – Mass / Hymns 1973 World Record Club
4 Cover for album: Arnold & Hugo De Lantins, Le Miroir De Musique, Baptiste Romain – Secular Works(CD, Album) Arnold & Hugo De Lantins, Le Miroir De Musique, Baptiste Romain – Secular Works(CD, Album) - Ricercar
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