Home Composers Anton Wallerstein

Anton Wallerstein

Short bio Anton Wallerstein

Birthday: 1813
Died: 1892

Full biography Anton Wallerstein

photo Anton Wallerstein

Anton Wallerstein was a German composer and violinist who was born on 28th September 1813 and died on 26th March 1892. He was a prolific writer of popular dances and songs , with over 275 works attributed to him. One of his most well-known compositions is the "Jenny Lind Polka," which he composed to honor the Swedish soprano, Jenny Lind.

Wallerstein's music was primarily focused on popular styles and was aimed at entertaining the masses. He worked as a court composer at the Wallerstein court, and during this time, he wrote numerous orchestral pieces, including polkas, waltzes, and marches. His works were performed throughout Germany and Austria and were very popular in their day.

Apart from being a composer, Wallerstein was also an accomplished violinist. He studied under some of the most notable violin teachers of his time, including Joseph Mayseder and Louis Spohr. In addition, he was an active member of the music community and frequently played with orchestras and chamber ensembles.

Anton Wallerstein passed away at the age of 78 on March 26th, 1892. Today, he is remembered as a significant figure in the development of popular dance and song in the 19th century. His compositions remain popular among aficionados of traditional German and Austrian music.

Albums featuring Anton Wallerstein

# Сover Name album Year Music label
1 Cover for album: Dance MedleyHenry Mancini – The Great Race(3×CD, Limited Edition) Dance MedleyHenry Mancini – The Great Race(3×CD, Limited Edition) 2017 La-La Land Records
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