Home Composers Andrew March

Andrew March

Short bio Andrew March

Birthday: 1973
Genre: Classical
Period: Contemporary, Modern, Romantic

Full biography Andrew March

photo Andrew March

Composer Andrew March is a well-known figure in the world of classical music. He was the winner of the first Masterprize International Composing Competition in 1998 with his orchestral piece Marine - travers les arbres. March's compositions are known for their rich soundscapes, intricate harmonies, and sweeping melodies that often evoke a sense of nostalgia.

Aside from his compositions for traditional orchestras, March has also written for choirs and collaborated on choral projects. In 2004, Walton Music Corporation published Be Still and Know , a choral composition by March. He was also involved in a collaborative project to write a number of bespoke choral pieces in 2005.

March's music has been performed by various orchestras around the world and has been widely acclaimed by critics for its artistry and emotional depth. He has worked with various musicians and composers, sharing his knowledge and experience to help develop the talents of others.

March continues to be an active composer, regularly producing new compositions for a variety of ensembles. He also runs OrchestraScoring, a company that provides orchestra and choir recording services for composers, musicians, and film productions. Overall, Andrew March is a talented and respected composer whose works have garnered him international recognition in the world of classical music.

Compositions featuring Andrew March

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Marine - a travers les arbres 12:00 min Orchestral 1997
2 A Stirring in the Heavenlies, for orchestra 14:41 min Orchestral -
3 Nympheas, for orchestra 3:58 min Orchestral -
4 Pieces (3) for cello 18:53 min Chamber Music -
5 Sanguis Venenatus, for orchestra 6:02 min Orchestral -
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