Home Composers Andre Werner

Andre Werner

Short bio Andre Werner

Birthday: 1960

Full biography Andre Werner

photo Andre Werner

Andr Werner is a German composer born in 1960, based in Berlin. He is a freelance composer who has written numerous compositions for various instruments and live performances. Werner has worked with several organizations and artists, including MuseScore, which is a free music composition and notation software. He collaborated with Art + Com studios on the world premiere of the opera "The Jew of Malta," for which he composed the music while the writer, Machiavelli, was still creating the story.

Moreover, Andr Werner collaborates with other composers and musicians, including Andr Previn, with whom he worked on the song cycle "Honey and Rue" composed for the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the New York Philharmonic Orchestra. Werner has also composed for film and television, including "Traumstadt" and "Lars and the Real Girl," respectively.

In summary, Andr Werner is a well-known German composer who has composed a wide range of music for various instruments and performances. He has worked with numerous organizations and artists, including MuseScore and Andr Previn, and has composed music for film and television, making him a versatile and accomplished composer.

Compositions featuring Andre Werner

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 it wears, sir, as it grows, for sub-contrabass flute & live electronics 7:36 min Chamber Music 1996
2 Jahnn-Lieder, for voice & piano Vocal Music -
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