Home Composers Alfred Jaell

Alfred Jaell

Short bio Alfred Jaell

Birthday: 1832
Died: 1882
Genre: Classical

Full biography Alfred Jaell

photo Alfred Jaell

Alfred Jaell (5 March 1832 - 27 February 1882) was a renowned Austrian pianist and pedagogue in the 19th century. He was born in Trieste, Italy, to a musical family, and demonstrated prodigious musical talent from a young age. He studied with the famous Hungarian pianist Franz Liszt in Paris and Vienna and was known for his virtuoso technique and dramatic performances.

Jaell was also known for his unconventional approach to piano playing, advocating for using the whole body in playing the instrument rather than just the fingers. His playing technique has been described as "orchestral" for its full and rich sound.

In addition to his performing career, Jaell was also a successful teacher. He taught piano at the Geneva Conservatory and was later appointed professor of piano at the Vienna Conservatory. Among his notable students were Benjamin Johnson Lang and Samuel Sanford.

Jaell's influence on the piano world extended beyond his lifetime , as his ideas about piano technique and performance were carried on by his students and successors. Despite his contributions to the field, Jaell's name is not as well-known as some of his contemporaries, such as Liszt and Chopin.

Overall, Alfred Jaell was an important figure in the world of 19th-century piano playing and pedagogy, whose legacy lives on through his students and his contributions to the development of piano technique.

Compositions featuring Alfred Jaell

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Bolero for piano (after Verdi's "I Vespri Siciliani") 3:47 min Keyboard -
2 Pieces (3) from Wagner's "Tristan und Isolde", transcription for piano, Op. 112 5:33 min Keyboard -
3 Réminiscences de Norma, for piano (after Bellini) 11:23 min Keyboard -
4 Souvenirs d'Italie, for piano Keyboard -
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