Home Composers Alessandro Poglietti

Alessandro Poglietti

Short bio Alessandro Poglietti

Birthday: 17th century

Full biography Alessandro Poglietti

photo Alessandro Poglietti

Alessandro Poglietti was an Italian composer and organist who lived from 1633 to 1683. He is best known for his keyboard works and was one of the most important composers for keyboard before Johann Sebastian Bach. Poglietti was active in Vienna, where he served as an imperial court musician and organist. He was also a prolific composer, producing a large number of works, including sonatas, toccatas, and suites, among others.

Poglietti's music was highly regarded during his lifetime, and he was considered a leading composer in Vienna. He was particularly known for his innovative keyboard music, which often featured complex harmonies and intricate counterpoint. His keyboard works were highly influential and were likely an inspiration for later composers such as Bach.

Despite his extensive output, Poglietti's music fell out of favor after his death and was largely forgotten until the 20th century. Today, however, his music is experiencing a revival, and recordings of his works are becoming increasingly popular. In addition to his keyboard music, Poglietti also wrote music for other instruments and vocal works, although his keyboard works remain his most celebrated compositions.

Overall, Alessandro Poglietti was an important composer of the Baroque period, particularly in the realm of keyboard music. His works were innovative and highly regarded during his lifetime, and his influence can still be heard in the music of later composers.

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