Home Composers Alec Wilder

Alec Wilder

Short bio Alec Wilder

Birthday: 1907 in Rochester, NY
Died: 1980 in Gainesville, FL
Active: 1940s
Genre: Jazz,Vocal,Stage & Screen,Classical

Full biography Alec Wilder

photo Alec Wilder

Alec Wilder was an American composer born on February 16, 1907, in Rochester. He was largely self-taught but later studied at the Eastman School of Music. Wilder is best known for his unique blend of American jazz, classical, and popular music. His music was recognized for its great melody writing and has been appreciated by several important musical figures.

In addition to writing popular songs , Wilder also composed operas, musicals, chamber music, and other sophisticated music. He was an avid letter-writer and valued his lifelong friendships , although his musical work was not widely accepted by either jazz or classical performers.

Throughout his career , Wilder wrote a great deal of music. He collaborated with other artists, such as Bob Brookmeyer and Stan Getz, for a range of projects. One of his significant contributions is the book "American Popular Songs," in which he discusses the importance of melody writing and explores the history and development of popular music.

Overall , Alec Wilder was a highly influential composer known for his unique style and contributions to American music. His works are still appreciated and studied by fans and scholars of music.

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