Home Composers Francis Ireland

Francis Ireland

Short bio Francis Ireland

Birthday: 1721
Died: 1784

Full biography Francis Ireland

photo Francis Ireland

Francis Hutcheson, in addition to being a philosopher, was indeed an Irish violinist and composer. He was born on August 13, 1721, and passed away on September 5, 1784. Hutcheson was also a physician and a lecturer in chemistry. He published his music under the pseudonym "Francis Ireland".

As a keen amateur violinist, Hutcheson composed music under the name Francis Ireland. He is known to have composed a four-part madrigal titled "Return my lovely maid" 1. His musical works and performances were part of the lively musical life of the 18th century Hutcheson's contributions to music, particularly as a violinist and composer, are recognized as part of his broader legacy.

It's worth noting that Hutcheson's primary fame and recognition come from his philosophical and intellectual contributions rather than his musical endeavors. His ideas on moral philosophy and aesthetics continue to be influential and studied to this day.

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